
Sample Company

Check Data Collection + Analysis Progress
of 13
Onboarding & Data Access
  • System Access
  • Data Mapping and Structure Analysis
Technical Factors
  • Authentication
  • Spam Analysis
  • Domain Analysis
  • IP Address Health
  • DNS Settings
  • Technical Content Analysis
  • Inbox Placement Test
Engagement Best Practices
  • Analyze Engagement Data
  • Analyze Personalization Practices
  • Automations Audit
  • Data Management & Reporting Review
  • Un-Subscribe Process
  • Subscriber Process
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Core Metrics

Email Optimization Index for Sample Company

  • Well done! You’ve got a healthy level of engagement but also plenty of opportunities for growth.
  • The technical side of your email deliverability is generally healthy but we’ve noted several improvements that could increase the effectiveness of the technical side of your emails for better deliverability, open rates, and inbox placements.
  • We think there is significant opportunity to increase your total number of highly engaged subscribers by implementing a few engagement best practices.
  • We’ve shared some best practices on improving the the type of data you are tracking on a regular basis related to your email list health.
Overall Open Rate
Engaged Subscribers Open Rate
Percentage of Audience with Low Engagement
Engaged audience growth percentage over past 30 days

Skip to Your High Priority Items:


Technical Factors

Technical Factors Summary

  • Your technical factors are not currently a major inhibitor of email open rates but some improvements can be made.
  • Continue to monitor factors that can change easily (SPAM, IP Reputation, etc)
  • If your plans include aggressive list growth it can be important tighten up some of your technical factors, evaluate the importance of a static IP address, and ensure good systems are in place so your sender reputation and open rates do not dangerously decline with list growth.


Authentication Reports


  • Your domain is properly authenticated to send emails via your ESP but you can improve DKIM / DMARC setup for better control and security.
  • You have not properly authenticated your domain for Kajabi which is a major platform for sending emails.

Action Items:

  • Add DKIM validation for Mailchimp to your domain’s DNS settings.
  • Configure DMARC and track rejects / spam on a regular basis
  • Properly configure Kajabi to send emails fully mapped to your domain.
  • Identify other platforms that could be sending email on behalf of your domain (e.g. Shopify, customer support software, etc) and ensure proper SPF authentication.

Spam Analysis

Spam Analysis Reports

Is any authentication failure above 2%?



  • Your SPAM rate is generally acceptable. On certain days it can spike above the 2% threshold but not to an alarming degree. Continue to monitor SPAM rate closely.

Action Items:

  • Continue to monitor closely.
  • Do a quick comparison if high spam complaint dates coincide with broad list sends.
  • Evaluate automations to ensure there are none sending unnecessary or incorrect messages that could be causing frustration.
  • Configure DMARC monitoring to quarantine or reject emails that aren’t coming from your domain to ensure your domain isn’t being used for phishing or SPAM.


Domain Analysis Reports


Your domain is high authority – great job!

Action Items:

  • No action needed at this time other than continue to monitor health.

IP Address

Does your email send from a dedicated or shared IP address?

Shared IP Address

IP Analysis Reports


Your IP reputation is a high medium which is a fine place to be for a shared IP address for a list of this size. If you expect significant list growth or a significant downgrade in your shared IP address health it could be worth considering a transition to a dedicated IP.


Action Items:

  • Monitor IP address health on a weekly basis. If it degrades significantly submit support request to ESP.
  • Evaluate long term potential of a shared IP address based off of your email list growth potential.

DNS Settings

DNS Analysis Reports


  • Your DNS settings are generally in order. We don’t see DNS permissions pointing to services not currently in use.
  • A big potential issue to watch out for is not regularly maintaining your DNS profile. As you give permissions to different platforms and then discontinue using them it can create security holes to leave those settings in place.

Action Items:

  • No actions needed.

Technical Content

Are your internal links branded?


Technical Content Analysis Reports


  • Our AI analysis of email content does not show excessive use of SPAM trigger words.
  • Watch out for things like all caps and lots of exclamation marks – theses don’t appear to be causing a big problem but they are triggers for some spam software.
  • Doing full mapping of domain so tracking links within emails match your top level domain.

Action Items:

  • Consider ensuring your ESP tracking links are branded (e.g. vs. Mailchimp based links. This typically gives a small bump in deliverability, especially since your domain is high authority.
  • Request content analysis before significant campaigns / important launches to spot issues before they happen.

Placement Test

Placement Test Results


Placement test in progress…

Action Items:

Placement test in progress…


Engagement Factors

Overall Engagement Factors Score for Sample Company


Low open rates can create a vicious cycle where email providers de-prioritize emails based on overall list behavior. If a list has low engagement it will train email providers to de-prioritize messages which further worsens open rates.

To protect against this vicious cycle it’s critical to segment your audience so most of your emails are only going to the subscribers who are most engaged. This creates a positive feedback cycle that shows email providers your messages have high-engagement.

We recommend primarily sending messages only to those who have opened your emails within the past 120 days.

If you have low engagement it may be necessary to reduce your sends to a smaller time frame with only those who are most engaged.

Hot / Warm / Cold / Frozen Strategy

We recommend creating segments of your list made up of your most engaged audience members (Hot) who have interacted over the past 30 days, 90 Days (warm), and up to 120 days (cold). Those who end up in the cold category can be engaged with a re-activation sequence. If they still do not respond after a re-activation campaign we recommend being very sparing in how much communication these names receive.

Open Rate
Engaged Audience
Open Rate
Paid Customer
Open Rate
Full Analysis

Access your spreadsheet with full Engagement Factor Analysis

All Engagement Factors

Engagement Best Practices

Engagement Images


Do you send at different frequencies to different engagement levels?


Are you primarily sending emails only to people with engagement in past 120 days?


Do you have a Hot / Warm / Cold segmentation practice in place?


Do you segment your audience by key customer types?



How often do you send to your HOT segment?


How often do you send to your WARM segment?


How often do you send to your COLD segment?



Do you have a reactivation strategy?


Do you run retargeting ads as part of your reactivation strategy?


What % is successfully reactivated?

  • Your overall engagement looks great. About 27% of your audience is highly engaged with your emails which is a healthy number.
  • There is still a lot of upside potential for increasing engagement on your list. Currently about 57% of your list RARELY engages. This means that 111,150 people rarely engage with your emails. If you deployed an effective re-activation strategy and were able move just 10% of your audience that is not-engaged back into an engaged status it would be like adding another 11,000 subscribers to your list (without acquisition costs!). If your highly engaged subscribers convert to paying customers at 5% you could add another 556 paying customers.
  • You already do a good job of applying various types of segmentation to your audience so you aren’t sending your whole list messages constantly but sending more engaged sub-sets of your list. To take these efforts to the next level we recommend applying a hot / warm / cold categorization to the leads in your list based on their engagement level and using this as a further filter to drive engagement. The majority of your messages should be going to Hot / Warm subscribers and a reactivation campaign should be applied to subscribers who are going cold.

Action Items:

  • Implement hot / warm / cold tracking methodology to list.
  • Implement a re-activation strategy to keep your hot list of contacts as big as possible.
  • Understand your engagement attrition (not just list unsubscribe attrition) and orient your goals to focus on your “hot” list growth as more important than overall list growth.

Personalization Best Practices

Personalization Images


Is the subscriber name used in emails?


Are content blocks within emails regularly personalized?


Do you have different campaigns or automations for key customer types?



  • You do a good job of segmenting email campaigns by product category and customer segment.
  • You could go deeper into this in a variety of ways. Some of the best areas to look at for personalization are:
    • Case study examples that match recipient demographic.
    • More specific product offerings.
    • Emails based on customer interaction and behavior (abandon cart, interaction triggering a special sequence, etc)
  • Tie your website and email together – Use tracking technology on your site to trigger campaigns for known subscribers.
  • Use assessments or other value-adding ways of collecting information to enrich your customer data and further customize the email campaigns you send.

Action Items:

  • Identify highest payoff campaigns or emails for personalization and develop a plan for implementation.



Overall Operations Score for Sample Company

  • Your technical factors are not currently a major inhibitor of email open rates but some improvements can be made.
  • Continue to monitor factors that can change easily (SPAM, IP Reputation, etc)
  • If your plans include aggressive list growth it can be important tighten up some of your technical factors, evaluate the importance of a static IP address, and ensure good systems are in place so your sender reputation and open rates do not dangerously decline with list growth.
All Operations Factors


Automation Reports

Number of Automations
Are there automations that are unnecessary or causing an unusual number of unsubsor spam complaints?


Do you have clear documentation and visibility for the purpose of every automation?


Have you recently audited your automations to know if they are all necessary and performing as desired?



  • You are making great use of automations but there are so many it can be a good idea to streamline your processes, remove old ones, and ensure there are none operating that should be inactive.

Action Items:

  • Audit to ensure all active automations are necessary.
  • Develop a spreadsheet that documents the purpose for each automation.
  • Create a policy for retiring unused automations on a regular basis.

Data Management

Data Analysis Reports

Leveraging Your Data

Are you able to easily identify paying / non-paying subscribers?


Are you able to easily segment subscribers based on purchase history?


Do you know your minimum positive list growth requirement?


Subscriber Insights

Do you know your subscriber LTV?


Your Subscriber LTV is:
Are you able to calculate your subscriber value at different intervals (1 week, 30 days, 90 days, etc)?


Your dashboard should track (at least): Open rates, Unsubs, CTR, Revenue per email / subscriber, Hot / Warm / Cold segment sizes.

Your Dashboard & Reporting Includes:

Open rates, Unsubs, Click through, Revenue per email / subscriber, and Hot / Warm / Cold segment sizes


  • Your data management could be significantly streamlined and provide better insight into your email list health.
  • We recommend

Action Items:

  • Implement hot / warm /cold tracking methodology.
  • Develop weekly reporting cadence of key metrics.

Unsubscribe Process

Unsubscribe Process

Do you provide a preference center?


Is there a global nuclear unsub in each email?



Unsub process evaluation in progress…

Action Items:

Unsub process evaluation in progress…

Subscriber Process

Subscriber Process

Are you maximizing your post opt-in screen?

  • We recommend implementing a post opt-in onboarding strategy with a thank you page that drives to the most relevant CTA for the part of the funnel where your subscriber opted in at.

Action Items:

  • Implement post subscription optimization plan.

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Your Action List

Technical Factors

Engagement Factors
